Coaching the Redline
Pastors and entrepreneurs have this in common: we're too busy, lack good pace of life, feel unsupported and alone. Our time management is poor, and distractions draw us away from the most important; relationship with God and those we love.
I’ll help you discover your best way forward by asking questions that lead to awareness and new understanding. And you will plan actions that lead to life transformation.
You will discover what is missing and why it’s important. You’ll plan and celebrate each victory and each course correction will be directed by you and the quiet voice within, the Holy Spirit.

About Me
Coaching the Redline comes straight from my story. I wanted to help guys like me who are working hard and trying to make a difference but not finding pace or margin; all the while allowing distractions to steal time.
I have started three business, a half dozen ministries and planted a church in Spokane. My whole life I have been an idea guy. I start things, but truth be told, I struggled with finishing strong.
Our small church was in a poor neighborhood and it ran well for 10 years doing all kinds of amazing outreach to make real transformation happen.
When we closed the church I realized, too late, that I was burned out and had nothing left in the tank. To be fair, I was always burning out. We call it, "functioning burn-out".
I never had a pace of life that accounted for the work, time management, distractions, and insufficient support.
I was always surviving - never thriving.
What Clients are Saying
Coaching the Redline has helped me become more balanced in my approach toward both our beginning business, my personal life and my venture towards achieving my goals as a writer. Alec is personally very positive, while helping me both acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses and embrace the season which I am in, thus providing room for clarity and direction.
This man has helped me out so much. Last year is when we met during one of the most chaotic times of my life. He has gotten me to realize my worth and how to organize and communicate better with my employees and how to manage my schedule